Little Thoughts, Big Dreams

There’s been a pattern to a lot of my blog posts of late, and it seems to be one of finding myself. I’ve talked a lot about my post college life, my struggle to adapt to ‘the real world’, gaining jobs, quitting jobs, moving countries and so on and so forth. There’s no denying it’s been a pretty chaotic time, and I’m constantly having to remind myself that I’m not even a year out of college yet!

I’ve learned a lot about myself in the last number of months though. I’m discovering new aspects of my character almost every day. I’ve been surprised to discover that things I thought I would enjoy, I really don’t! It’s true the saying, you really don’t know unless you try.

Lately I’ve found myself with a yearning to really make a difference. I know that might sound a little cheesy, but I just have this strong desire to give back in some way. (Don’t worry, I won’t be turning into Mother Teresa anytime soon!). In my early years when ‘big people’ would ask me what I wanted to be, I always responded with a confident assertion of  ‘ a teacher and a best selling author’. I liked the idea of being able to help people, and impart some sort of wisdom.


In my later years I abandoned any desire I had to become a teacher entirely. (Still holding out hope for the best selling author, mind you) ‘Not a hope in hell’ I’d scoff. Why would you want to go through 18 years of education to end up back in the very place you spent the best part of those years trying to escape? My present self realises that perhaps this thinking was a bit naive. I mean it is different, you’re on the other side of it as such. It’s not really the same.

I suppose you’re wondering where I’m going with this, well I guess the answer is I’m not really sure, but that’s the fun of it. I’m not vehemently opposed to the idea of teaching anymore. In fact, I find myself thinking more and more about it. So much so that I’ve enrolled in a TEFL (teaching English as a Foreign Language), course. I’ve always loved the English language, I’ve had a fascination with words and stories for as long as I remember. While a lot of my friends were out pucking around a sliotar, I was most likely found under a tree with my nose in a book or making up stories, reciting them to anyone who’d give me an ear. (I wasn’t the weird kid, I swear….).


Which is why I now find myself toying with the idea of teaching my beloved language abroad. Not only is it a chance to travel the world before I get tied down in a career, but it’s the chance to really make the difference I’m after. I’m not out for self-gratification, it’s more about doing something meaningful, something I believe in,  while I figure out what it is I actually want to do with my life! I guess the good thing about my college degree is that it’s so broad. It’s both a blessing and a curse. In one way it’s difficult to figure out where I ‘fit in’ and thus what I’m ‘qualified for’. But on the other hand, I’m not pigeon holed. There’s an array of areas I can venture into and try my hand at.  I’m realising what it is I like, and what it is I absolutely hate, and that’s an exciting experience. So why not keep learning? Why not keep exploring?

As many of you know, I can’t stay in one place for too long! With Sweden, Barcelona, and London all conquered destinations,  I’m itching for another notch on my belt! Who knows where my TEFL venture will take me? 

I’ll keep you posted on the upcoming adventures 😉
