20 of the best ‘little things’ in life

So I’m not a cynic ALL of the time. I actually do enjoy life 😉 Seeing as I wrote about ‘FML’ moments not so long ago, I thought it only right that I now write about the opposite. Here are a list of little things that have the ability to make your day 🙂

Getting into bed with new sheets


Ahh isn’t this just the greatest. The feeling of the clean crisp sheets against your skin, the smell of freshness and fabric softener. It’s even better if you’ve just shaved your legs. Double win. 😉

Finding money in the pocket of something


I’M RICH! instant happiness. Or that glorious, but rare moment when you find an old birthday card and a beautiful fifty slips right out. You’re wondering how the hell did that one shneak away? But it doesn’t matter. It found it’s way back to you at the most unexpected time. Glorious.

The first sip of a drink when you’re really thirsty


You’re mouth feels like sandpaper, it’s dry it’s uncomfortable, you’re gasping. Then you eventually get your hands on a drink. That cold refreshing feeling is the best. Thirst quenched, happy camper.

Putting your hair in a bun after a long day


Hold mah weave gurl

This one only applies to girls but still. For some it’s taking the bra off and letting the girls loose, for me it’s whipping the weave out and throwing my hair up into the highest and most unflattering knack bun. Instant comfort.

Waking up in the middle of the night and still having hours left to sleep


Ahh there is a God. You wake up praying it’s not time to get up and guess what, you’re in luck. It isn’t. 2:30am YES. Still a solid 5 hours. Roll over, curl up in a ball, back to dreamland.

Lie ins on rainy days


Hearing the rain belt off your window and being all wrapped up and warm under your duvet knowing you don’t have to get up. Need I say more?

Getting 7 chicken nuggets instead of 6


Okay so I’m still waiting for this amazing moment to happen, but I imagine it’s euphoric. If this has ever happened you, I salute you. I’m insanely jealous, but well done. I hope you savoured this rare moment and prayed for the McDonalds employee who was obviously having a great day.

Walking out of work on a Friday


Let the games begin.

When your favourite song comes on the radio


EVERYONE SHUT UP! Dis my jam.. dis my jam.

The smell of baked bread and freshly cut grass


Or nice smells in general. Petrol, Fire Lighters, Aftershave.. need I go on.

Having to wait ages to pee and then the final relief when you do


It literally feels like you might burst, you’ve been holding it for longer than is humanly possible. And then the sweet relief comes in the form of that beautiful porcelain throne. Flushing meadows.

Fluffy socks, actually anything fluffy.


There’s just something about the texture. Instant joy.

When you laugh so hard it becomes silent


Is there anything better than laughing so much that you just sit there shaking and silent tears just pour down your face? No. No there isn’t. Laughing is the best.

Holding a newborn baby


It can be scary as hell because you’re terrifed you might break them. But they’re so tiny and so cute and they’ve literally just come into the world. You can’t not be happy holding a baby it’s cuteness overload.

Feet in warm sand


Sand can be so annoying but the feeling of hot sand beneath your feet is just heaven.

Finding something you’ve lost


Whatever it is, you gave up all hope of finding it long ago. Only then one day you find it out of the blue. Yay! Happy dance.

Long hugs


Everyone loves hugs. Especailly long squeezy hugs.

When it starts raining just after you get indoors


Mwhahah  f*ck you mother nature.

Unexpected texts


Oh hello there.

Opening the book randomly on the right page


This is great. It makes you feel like some sort of god with divine powers, eliminating effort straight away. psychic.